
A day of raliroads

In Japan, October 14 is ''the day of railroads''.
This day of 1872 the first railroad was inaugurated between Shimbashi and Yokohama.
Many railroad events are held in a week including this date.
For example, ''the railroad festival'' was held in Hibiya park.
Also the "Railroad museum" was opened in Ohmiya on this day of 2007.
The first locomotive with a nickname called "yaemon", which opened to traffic, is placed Japan in this museum.
Because then Japan did not have technology a century ago, made railroads with support of the U.K.
The U.K. is a country where the railroad originaled, the reason is that British technology was good at that days.
It is said when surprised at having completed a railroad in only than the Meiji restoration several years in America.
The Japanese railroad of these events must become basic.
By the way, On June 12, 1872, a line between Shonagwa and Yokohama was temporary opened.
In addition, I move Shimbashi station of those days to another place, and Yokohama station of those days, it is it now with Sakuragicho station.
The photograth is an official charactor of "the day of the railroad" called "Teppy".

5 件のコメント:

  1. Hello Saka. My name is Whitney, and I'm a junior from Gettysburg College.

    I see that you are very interested in the railroads of Japan! I myself have never been on a train- it is hard to believe, isn't it? Instead, I get around in a car. Cars are nice because of the freedom, but they are also expensive and sometimes finding a parking spot is very difficult if you go to a bigger city.

    I am looking forward to making use of the railway system in Japan. I'll be sure to refer to your blog for help.

  2. Saka, just looking at your blog makes me angry that we don't have trains in America (They say we do, but they're awful). I'd love to sell my car and just take a train anywhere...

  3. Hi! I'm Kathy, and I'm also a student at Gettysburg College.

    I watched a Japanese tv program a few weeks ago and it had a train-theme, maybe it was because it was around the holiday...I didn't even realize there was a holiday for railroads!

    I've never ridden a train before, there really aren't that many in America. There is some sort of train station in Gettysburg, but I've never seen an actual train...

    Teppy's very cute. :)

  4. Hi Saka,

    I'm Krista and I am also a student at Gettysburg College. I think that trains are very interesting as well. There are not many trains in America, especially not in the southern part where I am from. I rode on a train for the first time in New York City last year. I was very nervous. I think if I had the opportunity to ride trains more, they would not be as scary, though....

    There is also a train station in the town of Gettysburg, but it is for tourists, not for actual transportation. Last year I lived behind it and it woke me up very early every morning with its whistle.

    I love forward to hearing more about the trains!

  5. Hi Saka!

    I'm liz, from Gettysburg College.

    In America, not many people take trains anymore. However, my hometown is in an area where most of the people work in New York City and take a train there every morning. Last summer, I got a job in New York City and got to take the train every day. Though it took a long time to get to and from work, it was an adventure, so it was fun.

    What made you like trains so much? Also, I like Teppi, it is cute.
