
My profile

My name is Yushi Sakamoto.I now belong to the politics and economies department at Kokushikan University.
I am a big fan of railways.I like taking the photograth of the railroad.Optionally, I like doing the internet and taking photograths of the scenery.
I am working as a parttimer staff at the railroad station.My work is to guide the visitor at a ticket gate and do the security confirmation of the platform. The time for part-time job is early in the morning.
I live in Ohta city of Tokyo.Ohta city is famous by small factories in the town.In addition, Haneda Airport is another famous place.

I want to write it in this blog about railroads.
Thank you for your freguest visiting in advance.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello Yushi! My name is Ann and I am in 303 Japanese at Gettysburg College! You really like railroads! That is very cool! My dad loves trains and really wants to buy some models that he can build. Do you like those?

    新幹線をどう思いますか?日本にいたときたくさん乗ってたよ!すごく便利だった!けど、高い〜>< 涙


    http://uniblogs.la.psu.edu/blogs/gettysburg/fa09/jpn303/blogcafe/ ーこのアドレスは私のブログです!

